A mini treasure-house of poems and quotations, centered on creativity and slowing down.
We called him tortoise because he taught us. —Lewis Carroll
A daily reader of prayer and meditation in serving the practice of lectio divina or “divine reading” based on the twelve chapters of Christian McEwen’s 2011 book called World Enough & Time: On Creativity and Slowing Down.
Focusing in turn on different subjects, each month introduces a new subject ranging from “the art of slowing down,” considering good company and conversation, investigating “child time,” to the joys and relaxation to be found in walking. Those who are familiar with Christian’s original text will recognize many of the entries, which have been arranged so as to flow smoothly from one to the next, helping to deepen and clarify each particular theme.
The title is drawn, with laughing gratitude, from Lewis Carroll (see the epigraph, above), though it has more ancient origins too. In The Tortoise Diaries, Christian McEwen gives her readers beautiful insight of how slowness can open doors to sustained creativity.
Christian McEwen is a writer, educator, workshop facilitator, and cultural activist. Since leaving New York City twenty years ago, she has edited two anthologies and produced a video documentary, Tomboys!, and a play, Legal Tender: Women and the Secret Life of Money. Her book, World Enough and Time: On Creativity and Slowing Down (Bauhan 2011), is now in its sixth printing and is also available in an audio format. Her most recent collection is Sparks from the Anvil: the Smith College Poetry Interviews, (Bauhan 2015). Christian grew up in the borders of Scotland and now lives in western Massachusetts.
For many years, Laetitia Bermejo has painted the wild and willing figures she met and knew in many places around the world. She trained, swam and flew, bringing her pen and blank book along. She sat and walked and drew, her life as a poem with her paintings as her song. Born in Leeds in England of French and Spanish parents, Bermejo received a Fine Arts degree at Slade School, University College, London. She lives in Mallorca.
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